Not to get overawed by increasing numbers of corona positive cases advises Brig Gupta


The steady increase in numbers in the past four days averaging around 6000 daily should not set unnecessary alarm bells cautioned Brig Veteran Anil Gupta, Spokesperson of Bharatiya Janata Party. Reminding the countrymen that every dark cloud has a silver lining, Brig Gupta said that India for the last four days has been testing more than one lakh people daily and hence the increase in numbers. India which began with a few hundred of testing kits stands today third globally next only to USA and Russia as far as number of daily tests is concerned.

Highlighting the positive achievements of India in combatting Covid-19, Brig Gupta said that the recovery rate in our country as on date is 41% and likely to reach close to 50% by the end of May. As far as J&K is concerned, the UT has already achieved the recovery rate of 50%, asserted Brig Gupta.

The mortality rate in our country stands at 2.98% and is among the lowest in the world. Moreover, only 27% deaths have taken place attributable to Corona only. The rest 73% had pre-existing co-morbidity stated Brig Gupta. In J&K out of 18 fatalities, only two were attributable to Corona only.

Listing out further encouraging data, Brig Gupta informed that out of the total positive cases numbering nearly 1,25000 only 69000 are active cases. Out of that           only less than 300 people as on date are on ventilator. Less than 800 people need oxygen supply and about 2000 people need constant supervision and are admitted in Intensive Care Units (ICU) across the country. Rest of the active cases are receiving only general health care and recovering after certain period of time. Hence, there is no need to get scared or overawed by the daily figures. Our front line corona warriors are doing a stupendous job with dedication despite the fact that some of them have also got infected in the process.

Quoting BL Santhosh, National Gen Secy (Org) of BJP, “The virus came from China. The vaccine will come from India,” Brig Gupta stated that eight Indian companies are involved in the development of vaccine and soon there would be a good news. He also informed that in keeping with “vocal for local” four Ayurvedic formulations are also in the very advanced stages of trial.

India is among the leading nations that has been able to keep the deadly pandemic under check due to self-sacrifice and wilful compliance of its citizens, the self-less dedication of frontline corona warriors, ever alert 24×7 on duty warriors on the borders and dynamic leadership of PM Modi asserted Brig Gupta.“Since we have to learn to live with Corona till its vaccine is found, there is a need to move ahead with a positive mindset keeping the principle of “SMS” in mind. Where ‘S means Self Distance’, ‘M means Wearing Mask’ and next ‘S means ‘Soap’ implying wash hands frequently,” advised Brig Gupta.