Court framed charges against JE in trap case

November-28-2023:- Special Judge Anticorruption Kashmir Surinder Singh framed charges against Ab.Rahman Bhat Junior Engineer who was caught red-handed by the ACB.

The allegation against the accused are that on 06-04-2021 he being as public servant performing presently his duties as assistant to JE for implementation of the works undertaken, in Panchayat halqa has dishonestly, for his personal gains demanded and accepted bribe of Rs. 2000/- as illegal gratification from the complainant, for releasing the pending amount in favour of the complainant for the work, which the complainant had carried out under MGNREGA scheme. Subsequently, during the trap laid by police station ACB on the complaint of the complainant, you have been apprehended while demanding and accepting bribe money of Rs. 2000/- in a room and the tainted money of Rs.2000/- was recovered from the left side pocket of shirt worn by the accused official in presence of witnesses.

Special Judge Anticorruption Kashmir Surinder Singh after hearing both the sides observed that prima facie the commission of offence U/S 7 of P. C. Act by the accused, the charge was framed and its contents have been read over and explained to accused, who pleaded not guilty & claimed to be tried. Prosecution is directed to adduce the evidence on next date of hearing. JNF