Adv. Purnima Sharma, Deputy Mayor Jammu held a press conference

Today on 19/12/19, a press conference was held by Adv. Purnima Sharma, Deputy Mayor Jammu in which she informed the public regarding all the works done by the Municipal Corporation Jammu since the Municipal Election 2018.
During the conference, Sh. Ashish Gupta Joint Commissioner Administration was also present.
Adv. Purnima Sharma addressing the media said that the Municipal Election were held after a long gap of 8 years. Even after that, all the Hon’ble Councillor of each ward did there best for the development of their wards. Many meetings were held, many projects were passed and many drives were conducted so as to provide the citizens of Jammu a healthy environment within the Municipal limits. Details of all those are as follows:-
1)    Jammu City being the city of temples, our first priority was the sanitation and cleanliness of the city. For which many sanitation drives were conducted, autos for garbage collection were provided to each ward, door to door collection has been started of segregated waste, 26 wards were outsourced to cover up the lack of SKC employees, deep drains and Nallahs were constructed, Before monsoon all the main nallah’s were disilted and machine and hand fogging in cooperation with health department was done.
2)    Secondly, to enlighten the city of temples, earlier LED street lights and bulbs were provided, old high mast lights were repaired and new high mast lights were installed in each ward and now an MOU has been signed between JMC and EESL for the enlightenment of all the 75 Municipal wards.
3)    Thirdly, for public welfare many Community and public toilets were constructed in various wards, water coolers were installed in each ward, passenger sheds were installed for public, sign boards defining various routes were also installed, new lanes were constructed, open gyms in parks were also installed, shelters for homeless people is to be provided.
4)    Fourthly, in view of the social justice, a total of over 1000+ housing for all loan cases of different wards have been approved by the Housing deptt. and soon an immediate loan will be provided by JMC in case of emergency repairs with the approval of the Chairman Housing for All Committee, sewing machines are to be distributed among the economic weaker sections so that they can make their living and school kits to children, Skill development programs to be organized by JMC for unskilled employees of JMC, Different skill development programs like paper bags making, cloth bag making and many other skill development camps are ongoing in different wards.
5)    Fifthly, Many major projects are in pipeline  which will soon be made available to the public like 19 water fountains to be installed at different locations for the beautification of city, open gyms have been installed in more than 50 wards, a modern cattle pound of 97 Kanals to be developed, Upgradation of Slaughter Houses at gujjar nagar & dogra hall, panjtirthi parking project and peerkho parking project, solid waste management project, Jammu suraksha yojna, green wall project and many more projects are under process for the betterment and goodwill of Jammu and its citizens.
Other than all this, many awareness camps and drives have also been conducted to avoid the use of single use plastics in Collaboration with various schools and NGO.
As a result of which many major festivals were celebrated without the use of single use plastics.
Till date a total sum of 107 lakhs per ward has been spend by the Municipal Corporation for the developmental works in the wards via Hon’ble Councillor of the respective wards.
The Press Conference ended with a vote of thanks by the Hon’ble Deputy Mayor to the Officials of the JMC for working with such efficiency and the media persons through which the public is made aware of all the work done till date by the JMC.