Panthers Party being Reorganised – Panthers Party dissolved its State Secretariat & Provincial Committees

JKNPP held a long meeting in which the party resolved to dissolve its Secretariat of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh, as the Secretariat had overstayed beyond April 2021, when Prof.Bhim Singh got elected President for three years term upto 2024.

1. The Provincial Committees of JKNPP (Jammu, Kashmir & Ladakh) are also dissolved. However, JKNPP Disciplinary Committee which headed by Mr. P.K. Ganju shall remain enforced.

2. In consultation with senior leadership and 40th Foundation Day Celebration Committee for March 23, 2022 has been constituted. The Celebration Committee comprising the following shall function till March 23, 2022 and prepare the celebration of 40th Foundation Anniversary of the party on March 23, 2022.

3. That the President confirmed on March 23, 2022 shall take over the entire command of the party and the new Secretariat shall be constituted for the remaining period of two years under the leadership of the State President confirmed by the Delegate Session this day. The President and new Secretariat shall continue in office in the next two years.

4. The Working Committee shall also be reconstituted for the remaining term in consultation with the newly constituted Secretariat.

5. The 40th Foundation Day Celebration Committee founded this day shall cease to exist w.e.f.March 24, 2022 because this committee was founded only for 40th Foundation Day celebration of the party.