Ashok Urged to Government to Waive off KCC Loans of The Farmers (Sub-Himalayas)


Ashok Kumar Former Legislature from Ramban has urged upon the Lieutenant Governor (J&K) to waive off the Kissan Credit Card (KCC) loan of the farmers belonging to Sub-Himalayas orhilly districts of J&K astheir crops have been damaged due to untimely precipitation, flash floods and draught during monsoon initial face. As a result, the helpless farmers are unable to pay their instalments. In addition, young labourers who work at different parts of country and also acts as a farmerduring sowing and harvesting period could not help their families during prolonged lockdown under Covid-19 pandemic.

Ashok has said that the KCC was launched by NABARD and RBI to meet the financial requirement of the Farmers related to crop production. He said that the scheme was launched to save the farmers from high interest rates by money lenders and brokers. In view of covid-19 situation, EMI was extended up to 31, August, 2020, but now they have to pay instalments in upcoming months. However, due to prolonged lockdown under Covid-19 pandemic, Draught from several months and recently heavy rains and flash flood in this particular region have damaged the crops completely. It has become very difficult for farmers to pay remaining instalmentsof KCC loan.

Ashok further said that farmers families members who used to work in private sector, menial jobs and Labourers have also lost their part time jobs and works. It is pertinent to mention that the income of the farmers including their families have decreased drastically in last several months due to prolonged lockdown and natural calamities. There is huge financial crisis to the farmers of this region as they are only dependent on timely monsoonal rains. Moreover, the government has also not given any financial help to the beleaguered farmers of the region.

Ashok has stressed upon the Government of India and Jammu and Kashmir to waive off the KCC loan. He also demanded to government to constitute a Agricultural assessment committee to review the impact on farmers from Covid-19 prolonged lockdown, natural calamities and livelihood of farmers in this particular region of J&Kas they are under huge financial stress.