India coronavirus cases have crossed 7.42 lakh-mark taking confirmed cases tally to 7,42,417 including 2,64,944 active cases, 4,56,831 recovered and 20,642 death, according to health ministry’s figures released on Wednesday.
On Tuesday, with 2,008 new cases and 50 deaths in the last 24 hours, the national capital’s coronavirus tally rose to 1,02,831 including 3,165 deaths.
Till now, 74,217 people have recovered, almost three times the number of active cases that stand at 25,449. Over 3,165 deaths mean that the city’s fatality rate is 3 per cent.
While the city crossed the grim milestone of 1,00,000 cases on Monday, the silver lining was the recovery rate that exceeded 70 per cent.
According to Delhi government’s daily bulletin, 2,129 patients recovered in the last 24 hours.
On June 23, the city had witnessed the highest single-day peak of 3,947 cases, but the number has come down steadily since then despite the rise in number of tests.