Taking forward the implementation of Atma Nirbhar Bharat scheme in Jammu district, food grains were distributed among different rural areas of Jammu-II including areas of Satwari , R.S.Pura, Suchetgarh, Bishnah, Arnia, and Miran Sahib.
Under Atma Nirbhar Bharat package, food grains are provided free of cost at the rate of 5 Kg per individual per month and 1 kg of pulses per family per month for two months i.e. May and June 2020 to all migrants who do not possess Ration Cards (AAY/PHH/NPHH/Exclusion) on the PDS portal of Jammu and Kashmir.
Migrants including stranded or employed (organized and unorganized sector). The scheme has benefitted around 16,646 migrant families covering 78,236 individuals in district Jammu alone. This scheme has particularly benefitted the stranded labourers in the UT who have lost a great degree of their source of livelihoods due to the recent lockdowns necessitated by the COVID-19 Pandemic.
In Bahu Tehsils, the food grains were distributed at Fair Price shops of FCS&CA department at Rajeev Nagar (Bathindi), Jalalabad (Sunjwan), Chowadi, Jalochak,at Bahu Tehsil.
In Jammu South, food grains were distributed at Garhi Garh, Bhour Kothion, Chatha, Hakkal, Kunjwani.
In Mandal Tehsil, food grains were distributed at Mandal and Parhladpur areas. Similar distributions were carried out at Tehsils of R.S Pura, including villages of Keer Pind and Marlian.
The implementation of this scheme on ground is being done jointly by the department of FCS&CA and Revenue Department under the overall supervision of District Development Commissioner Jammu, Sushma Chauhan and Director FCS&CA Jammu, Jatinder Singh.