Court made absolute bail of suspended DySP

Jammu Nov -06-2023-( JNF):- Special Judge Anticorruption Srinagar Surinder Singh made absolute bail to suspended DySP Sheikh Adil.

          Court observed that counsel for the accused/petitioner stated that the accused have complied the directions of this court, and has appeared before the investigating agency as and when directed. He has further argued that the accused is no more required by the investigating agency as the investigation of the case stands completed. Ld.Spl.PP already filed objections to the application. Nothing substantial put forth by the prosecution to rebut the plea of the counsel for applicant seeking interim bail to be made absolute inter-alia on the grounds projected by him. No any document has been brought on record by prosecution or the investigating officer against the accused before this court which would suggest that accused have violated any condition of bail. The accused is presumed to be innocent till the guilt is proved. The personal liberty of accused is precious as guaranteed by the constitution of India.

          In view of the above made discussion, the interim bail granted vide order dated 14-10-2023 is made absolute subject to the little modification in the condition (iv) of bail order that he will not leave the jurisdiction of this court without prior permission of the court or I.O as the case may be.
