Sewa Bharti starts Food corner in just Rs. 10

Jammu: Administrative secretary H&ME dedicated sewa bharti food service to public and took a review meeting at GMC Jammu


The Administrative Secretary Sh. Bhupinder Kumar today dedicated the coupon based Sewa Bharti food corner for attendants of the patients who shall be approaching this institution for health care of their patients. The whole team of Sewa Bharti was present in the said ceremony. The authorities of the Sewa Bharti said that they will be going in a phased wise manner to cover Super Specialty Hospital, SMGS Hospital & other Associated Hospitals of GMC Jammu for the said service. Further, they said that at present only health & vegitarian, quality morning meal should be provided to the needy. Subsequently, the service shall be extended to all 3 major meals.

The Administrative Secretary H&ME visited the new MRI installed area, newly installed fribroscan machine area, newly installed Bhabhatron Telecobalt machine area in the Department of Radiation Oncology

He further complimented Principal GMC Jammu Dr. Ashutosh Gupta as well HODs and faculty members and said that a lot of development & upgradation are happening on the ground and also congratulated all the HoDs, Faculty Members and other staff members of the Administration for bringing visible improvement in the working of the hospital but also conveyed that there is lot to be done to change the public perception made this institute of Academic, Clinical & Research excellence

The Administrative Secretary also interacted with HoDs and Faculty Members and reaffirmed that Bone & Joint Hospital to be stated dedicatedly with full capacity at the earliest, he was apprised by Principal that the Chopra Nursing Home shall be operationalized at the earliest and dedicated to the public soon.

He further advised that attempt should be made to strengthen the super specialty services to the institute. He reassured that all pending issues like 3-tier as per NMC norms shall be introduced be very soon to make the recruitment rules uniform across the UT of J&K

The Principal GMC Jammu apprised the Administrative Secretary about the present status of the new Cath Lab. Further, he proposed that status of Milk, Sperm, Ovum Bank at MCH Gandhi Nagar, the first of its kind in the UT.

The Faculty member request to facilitate the govt provision of allowing attending national & International Conferences to match national & International standards of teaching & clinical skills & to transfer them for public & clinical care

The Administrative Secretary further advised that henceforth all proposals for machinery & equipments to the JKMSCL to be submitted with price availability certificate. The meeting was attended by many HoDs & Senior Faculty members.