WASHINGTON, Mar 17 (Sputnik) Facebook has started targeting groups and members on its platform who break its community standards by restricting the reach or completely taking them down, the company’s Vice-President of Engineering Tom Alison said in a statement on Wednesday. “We believe that groups and members that violate our rules should have reduced privileges and reach, with restrictions getting more severe as they accrue more violations, until we remove them completely. And when necessary in cases of severe harm, we will outright remove groups and people without these steps in between,” Alison said. The new approach is similar to the one already used in News Feed, whereby users are less likely to discover and see recommendations of groups that violate community guidelines, Alison also said. Those willing to join a Facebook group will be notified if the group has violated the platform’s community standards, Alison added. Facebook will also require administrators and moderators of groups with substantial number of members and previous violations to temporarily approve all posts, making a post content invisible until it is approved, according to the statement.