The gangrape and murder of a 19-year-old Dalit woman in Uttar Pradesh’s Hathras has shook India, putting spotlight once again on the vulnerability of women in India. The case, involving brutal rape of the girl, has triggered protests throughout the country. More so, she was cremated in the dead of the night with family members alleging that they were forced by police to hurriedly conduct the last rites, sparking even more outrage. Congress leaders Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi will head to Hathras today to meet the victim’s family. Meanwhile, borders of Hathras have been sealed with the imposition of Section 144.
Recalling the horrors of the Nirbhaya case, the Dalit teen was allegedly sexually attacked by four men on September 14 and referred on Monday to the Safdarjung Hospital in Delhi with spinal injuries, paralysis and cuts in her tongue. She died around 3 am on Tuesday. The men alleged to be involved in the crime are under arrest and will now face charges under Section 302 (murder) of the Indian Penal Code, according to the Hathras Superintendent of Police Vikrant Vir.
Noida ADCP Ranvijay Singh says, “Epidemic Act is being violated, won’t allow Congress leaders to proceed forward.”
Rahul Gandhi detained under section 188
Rahul Gandhi says he was pushed and thrown on ground by the police