Pointing towards the confusion created over the issue of issuance of new liquor licenses in the Union Territory of J&K, Mr. Harsh Dev Singh, Chairman-JKNPP & former Minister has urged upon the government to clarify its policy over the subject. He said that conflicting and incongruous statements made by various officers of the Department concerned had created apprehensions in the minds of the people of Jammu which had already been flooded with liquor shops. He said that while a spokesman of the Finance Department had merely made a statement that it had not taken any policy decision, the Excise Department had mooted a proposal for opening of new 116 liquor shops in Jammu region alone.

Referring to an official communiqué from the office of Excise and Taxation Department, Mr. Singh disclosed that the Excise Commissioner J&K Mr. Rajesh Kumar Shavan had sent an official memo bearing No. EC/EXC /sub-vend/663 dated 16-06-2020 to the government seeking approval for opening of 116 liquor shops in Jammu and 67 in Kashmir. Not only that the Excise Commissioner has finalized the locations as well, he pointed out.
The letter of the Excise Commissioner States that “As per the survey conducted and in exercise of the powers under rule 28 of J&K liquor and license Rules, 1984 and section 4 (B) of Excise Act, a total list of 183 locations including 116 in Jammu and 67 in the zones of Kashmir is enclosed”, revealed Mr. Singh.
“Why such a desperation to open new liquor shops? Is the government receiving any demand for new liquor shops from any quarter? Who is sought to be obliged by the new proposal mooted by the Excise Department? Why so much interest is being taken by the Department in the opening of new vends despite stiff resistance posed by the general public”? said Singh, while raising a volley of questions over the dubious proposal of some overzealous government functionaries.
Describing the proposal of opening of new liquor vends by vested interests in the government as ill conceived and motivated, Mr. Singh said that it would only invite disaster in view of already frayed tempers amongst the people of Jammu especially the youth and women against the govt. The ever growing number of Toll Plazas has already sparked massive public outrage. There are already 220 liquor vends in Jammu out of the total 224 existing liquor shops operating as on date. The city of temples can’t be allowed to be converted into city of liquor vends and of Toll Plazas. The govt has to exercise due caution and restrain while taking policy decisions”, said the NPP chairman.
While condemning the new proposals mooted for giving fresh licenses to new liquor vends, Mr. Singh described the proposition as shocking and outrageous and sought the personal indulgence of the Governor to nip it in the but. Already there is a huge number of liquor shops, Bars besides illicit distillation being carried on various parts of J&K. Every day there are reports of bootlegging, illicit smuggling of liquor and open consumption of liquor without any restrictions which has caused immense damage to the new generation. The poor labourers have an easy access to the liquor vends which have ruined them and their families. Frequent reports of torture of their family members by the drunkards has become the order of the day. And the govt rather than framing a strict liquor policy is planning to open more of such poison shops. This is most condemnable and highly unacceptable, said the Panthers leader.