In the current context of lock down and restriction of movements caused by COVID 19 spread, the children have no access to school, play and even contact with their teachers and peers. While staying at home some of the problems which the students may face are fear of loneliness, withdrawal from activities, poor concentration, sleep disturbances, irritability, aggressiveness, nightmares, , physical complaints, etc. Children may feel confused and at loss with the current situation, leading to frustration and anxiety, which will get increased with the overexposure to mass and social media. COVID-19 is also bringing new stressors on parents and hampering their capacity to provide care and remain engaged with their children.
To avoid the psychosocial problems among family members please follow the points given below:
1. Stay at Home. Wash hands regularly for 20 seconds, with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub. Don’t touch face with unclean hands.
2. Maintain social distancing by keeping safe distance of 1 meter with people who are unwell and show signs of flu.
3. Explore your talent and spare time for your hobbies like reading story books, writing stories, cooking, painting, singing, dancing, gardening etc.
4. Stay in touch with your studies on line.
5. Prepare a time table of activities for the day. Keep time for exercise, creative and leisure activities.
6. Assist parents in household chores.
7. Stay in touch with your peers, friends, relatives and teachers.
8. Talk to your parents and other family members about your feelings, emotional status and well being.
9. Inform your parents or family members if you feel sick.
10. Watch programs of your choice and liking.
To support children to build their social and psychological resilience:
1. Explain meaning and importance of quarantine to children.
2. Be patient in listening to and understanding the concerns of children as they need care and attention.
3. Isolate yourself from news about the virus. Don’t look for additional information on the Internet; it would weaken your mental state.
4. Avoid sending fatalistic messages. Some people don’t have the same mental strength as you (Instead of helping, you could activate fear, anxiety and depression).
5. If possible, listen to music at home at a pleasant volume.
6. Look for board games to entertain children, tell stories and future plans.
7. Regulate screen time of children on TV and on line internet games on mobile as excess leads to development of stress and aggression.
8. Stay away from negative thoughts. Your positive mood will help protect your immune system, while negative thoughts have been shown to depress your immune system and make it weak against viruses.
9. Engage in healthy exercise like Yoga to stay physically and mentally fit with all your family members.
10. Always hope for the best. Firmly believe that this will pass and that the universe is in the hands of God. He is a God of love and not of punishment.
Stay Home and Stay Healthy
Prof Arti Bakhshi
Deptt of Psychology
University of Jammu
Mobile No 9419133266